资料的权威性 《中国商务年鉴》编委会主任、副主任分别由商务部和海关总署领导担任,先后担任过本刊编辑委员会主任委员的有:卢绪章(1984-1985年)、郑拓彬(1986-1990年)、李岚清(1991-1992年)、吴仪(1993年,1995-1997年)、郑斯林(1994年)、石广生(1998-2002年)、吕福源(2003年)、陈德铭(2008-2012年)、高虎城(2013年起),编委会成员来自商务部、交易部、海关总署、国家质检总局、国家旅游总局、国家外汇管理局等部门。
出版的系统性 《中国商务年鉴》是一部政府年度连续出版物,每年出版一期,系统记述中国商务事业发展的基本情况,全面勾勒中国商务工作的场景,具有很强的历史纵深感,是商务领域和其他有关研究、数学、信息、咨询等部门读者,了解和研究中国贸易、投资发展历史的有益工具。
China Commerce Yearbook compiled and published bythe Ministry of Commerce, P.R. China, is an authoritative reference book with agreat deal of historical data and a systematic record of China's commercedevelopment, as an important composition of China's commerce-relatedinformation network.
Started in 1984, China Commerce Yearbook is rendered both at homeand abroad once a year in both English and Chinese versions.
Advantaged by collection of comprehensive, systematic, and reliabledata and information, it has aroused great attention since its first issueamong both domestic and overseas readers in the field of commerce, and othersectors related to economy, trade, research and information, as anauthoritative reference book with practical guidance.
In the history of 30 years, the chairmen of the editorial board ofChina Commerce Yearbook were Lu Xuzhang (1984-1985), Zheng Tuobin (1986-1990),Li Lanqing (1991-1992), Wu Yi (1993, 1995-1997), Zheng Silin (1994), ShiGuangsheng (1998-2002) , Lu Fuyuan (2003),Chen Deming(2008-2012),and Gao Hucheng (began from 2013).
China Commerce Yearbook will make innovative and unique progress inits way of approaching life and readers by providing a complete and practicalrecord on the history of China's commerce development.